Guía para desarrolladores

Aprende cómo configurar y utilizar nuestras API abiertas,
¡para integrar libremente Deskero con cualquier otra solución de software!



Example response

			"text": "Hello Scott, I'll do my best to help you out.",
			"replyDate": 1383923515662,
			"replyFromCustomer": {
				See customer detail
			"replyToCustomer": {
				See customer detail
			"replyFromOperator": {
				See agent detail
			"replyToOperator": {
				See agent detail
			"attachedDocuments": [
				See attached document detail
			"tweetId": null,
			"tweetType": null,
			"facebookId": null,
			"facebookType": null,
			"linkedinId": null,
			"linkedinType": null,
			"googlePlusId": null,
			"googlePlusType": null,
			"youtubeId": null,
			"youtubeType": null,
			"messageUniqueId": null


Field name Description
text reply text
replyDate reply date timestamp
replyFromCustomer customer who reply, see customer detail
replyToCustomer customer who replied by agent, see customer detail
replyFromOperator agent who reply, see agent detail
replyToOperator agent who replied by customer, see agent detail
attachedDocuments attached files, see attached document detail
tweetId tweet id, if reply comes from twitter
tweetType mention or direct message
facebookId post id, if reply comes from facebook
facebookType post or private message
linkedinId feed id, if reply comes from linkedin
linkedinType ?
googlePlusId activity id, if reply comes from google plus
googlePlusType ?
youtubeId video id, if reply comes from youtube
youtubeType ?
messageUniqueId mail unique id, if reply comes from email


Example response

	"status": "opened",
	"labels": {
		"en": "opened",
		"it": "aperto",
		"es": "abierto",
		"fr": "à traiter"


Field name Description
status unique status name
labels status name localization


Example response

	"source": "web",
	"labels": {
		"en": "web",
		"it": "web",
		"fr": "web",
		"es": "web"


Field name Description
source unique source name
labels source name localization


Example response

	"id": "5277b520e4b0d3bd74d43824",
	"username": "",
	"enabled": true,
	"insertDate": 1383576864062,
	"blockedDate": null,
	"lastPasswordChange": null


Field name Description
id auto-generated account id
username username used to log-in in deskero
enabled true or false
insertDate signup data timestamp
blockedDate blocked date timestamp
lastPasswordChange last password change date timestamp

Documento adjunto

Example response

	"documentName": "mail.txt",
	"documentDate": 1383934073392,
	"documentSize": 7400,
	"documentType": "text/plain",
	"attachedDate": 1383934073392,
	"documentURL": "",
	"documentBlob": null


Field name Description
documentName file name
documentDate attach date timestamp
documentSize size in byte
documentType file mime type
attachedDate attach date timestamp
documentURL auto-generate url to download file
documentBlob blob to upload file

Campo personalizado

Example response

	"Client Id": "98awidkas"


Field name Description
{{customFieldName}} field name must be corrispond to custom field name


Example response



Field name Description
{{tagValue}} field name must be corrispond to tag value

Grupo de agentes

Example response

	"id": "52bd5c0de4b084c4b57bfe9a",
	"name": "Customer Care",
	"description": "Group description",
	"agents": [
		See agent detail


Field name Description
id auto-generated id
name group name
description group description
agents list of agents, see agent detail

Empresa del cliente

Example response

	"id": "52133b34e4b08fd633d97717",
	"company": "Deskero",
	"vatNumber": "123456789",
	"email": "",
	"invoicingEmail": "",
	"phoneNumber": "202-555-0187",
	"faxNumber": "202-555-0103",
	"address": "4-5 Gough Square",
	"city": "London",
	"province": null,
	"state": "GB",
	"postalNumber": "EC4A 3DE",
	"bankAccount": null,
	"insertDate": "1383580226312"
	"note": null


Field name Description
id auto-generated id
company company name
vatNumber vat number
email email
invoicingEmail invoicing email
phoneNumber phone number
faxNumber fax number
address address
city city
province province
state state
postalNumber postal number
bankAccount bank account
insertDate insert date
note note

Notas del ticket

Example response

	"id": "52bd6d4803647785e90abb34",
	"note": "Resolve this!",
	"insertBy": "52132fffe4b006e6048bd013",
	"assignedTo": "52132fffe4b006e6048bd013",
	"date": 1388144315000,
	"remindMe": 1388144315000


Field name Description
id auto-generated id
note note text
insertBy id of agent who wrote the note
assignedTo id of agent who note and reminder must be assigned
date insert date
remindMe reminder date and hour