Developer's Guide

Learn how to configure and use our open APIs, to
freely integrate Deskero with any other software solution!


Customer Company

Example response

  "id": "52133b34e4b08fd633d97717",
  "company": "Deskero",
  "vatNumber": "123456789",
  "email": "",
  "invoicingEmail": "",
  "phoneNumber": "202-555-0187",
  "faxNumber": "202-555-0103",
  "address": "4-5 Gough Square",
  "city": "London",
  "province": null,
  "state": "GB",
  "postalNumber": "EC4A 3DE",
  "bankAccount": null,
  "insertDate": "1383580226312"
  "note": null


Field name Description
id auto-generated id
company company name
vatNumber vat number
email email
invoicingEmail invoicing email
phoneNumber phone number
faxNumber fax number
address address
city city
province province
state state
postalNumber postal number
bankAccount bank account
insertDate insert date
note note