Developer's Guide

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Field name Description
id auto-generated ticket id
number auto-generated ticket number, number/year
subject subject
description complete text
insertDate insert date timestamp
managedDate last edit/reply/change status date timestamp
closedDate close date timestamp
priority int priority value, 0 or 1
assignedTo agent who ticket must be assigned, see agent detail
cc list of cc agent, see agent detail
openedBy customer who opened the ticket, see customer detail
numberOfReplies int replies number
replies list of replies, see reply detail
tags list of tags, see tag detail
attachedDocuments list of attached documents, see attached document detail
status ticket status (opened, closed, on hold, solved), see status detail
type ticket type, see ticket type detail
area ticket area, see ticket area detail
group ticket group, see ticket group detail
source ticket source, see source detail
memo text note
customFields list of custom fields, see custom field detail
tweetId tweet id, if reply comes from twitter
tweetType mention or direct message
facebookId post id, if reply comes from facebook
facebookType post or private message
linkedinId feed id, if reply comes from linkedin
linkedinType ?
googlePlusId activity id, if reply comes from google plus
googlePlusType ?
youtubeId video id, if reply comes from youtube
youtubeType ?
messageUniqueId mail unique id, if reply comes from email
customPortalId id of custom portal
toReply agent have to reply to this ticket
toReplyCustomer customer have to reply to this ticket